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  3. Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
Contact Information
PO Box 23699, Federal Way, Washington state 98093
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Every state is required to have an Office of the Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman to address complaints and advocate for improvements in the long-term care system.

Among our duties we are charged with: Coordinating the activities of LTC ombudsmen throughout the state, protecting the confidentiality of records, establishing a statewide uniform reporting system to collect and analyze data relating to complaints and conditions in facilities, and providing resources to empower individuals, families and the community to ensure the safety and dignity of all residents in long-term care settings.

In addition to receiving and responding to complaints filed with our office, we also conduct independent research and advocate before the legislature on behalf of the dignity and quality of life of all people receiving care in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and boarding and adult family homes. We monitor the work of state agencies that manage facility licensing, inspections, complaint investigations, and enforcements and their policy and regulatory development.

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