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  3. Three Dollar Bill Cinema
Contact Information
1122 E Pike St Box #1313, Seattle, Washington state 98122
Phone: 206-323-4274
Location Information

Three Dollar Bill Cinema strengthens, connects, and reflects diverse communities through queer film and media by providing access to films by, for, and about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ2+) people and their families, and a forum for LGBTQ2+ filmmakers to share and discuss their work with audiences.

Featured programs:

SEATTLE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL: The largest of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, the festival has garnered national recognition for showcasing extraordinary and award-winning work.

TRANSLATIONS: SEATTLE TRANSGENDER FILM FESTIVAL: This groundbreaking film festival provides a venue for films by, for, and about transgender people, encouraging visibility and positive representations of transgender issues. Launched in 2006, Translations is one of only a few transgender film festivals in the world.

THREE DOLLAR BILL OUTDOOR CINEMA: With our campy outdoor film series at Cal Anderson Park and Pride Weekend screenings, Three Dollar Bill Cinema proudly presents fun and free movies under the stars, every summer.

REEL QUEER YOUTH: A video production and media literacy training for LGBTQ2+ youth and their allies ages 13-20. Using professional camera and editing equipment, and working with a team of professional filmmakers and mentors, participants work in small groups to complete a short film. Cost is pay-what-you-can. Online applications open in the Spring.

  • Community and Social Activities
  • Lifelong Learning Education

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