GenPride Newsletter September 2

GenPride Newsletter September 2
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Newsletter Contents:

Community Programming:

  • Trans Pride Seattle 2022
  • GenPride Writers Lab resumes!
  • LGBTQIA+ Support Group for Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregivers
  • GenPride’s Movie Club kicks off with ‘PRIDE – the Movie’
  • Qigong resumes in October
  • Yoga & Stretching“
  • Strength & Balance
  • Subscribe to the Pride Place Newsletter

Services and Information:

  • What You Should Know About Monkeypox
  • Wellness with Pride: COVID-19 and LGBTQ+ Communities

Community Programming


Trans Pride Seattle is back in-person for 2022, with a mighty Friday, September 2nd celebration in Seattle’s Volunteer Park. The goal of Trans Pride Seattle is to increase the strength of the trans and gender diverse community and allies, through increased visibility, connection, love, and the celebration of our lives.

GenPride is hosting an information table at Trans Pride. Come visit us and join in the festivities!

Friday, Sept 2 | 5:30 – 9:30 pm

Volunteer Park, Seattle


Calling all authors! Join us for the Fall series of GenPride’s twice monthly Writers Lab, starting September 13.

If you have already taken some writing classes, such as GenPride’s Writers Workshop with Ingrid Ricks, this FREE twice-a-month practice lab might be perfect for you. The Writers Lab is a mutual support group for LGBTQIA+ writers who want accountability, structure, and a ‘lab space’ to test out written pieces, refine ideas, and build on your results. You’ll be expected to be an active writer: meeting deadlines, reading your written work, and gathering feedback to then incorporate into your writings for the next session.

The group meets online on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm. New members and all writing genres are welcome. Write now!

2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Starting Sept 13


LGBTQIA+ Support Group for Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregivers

In partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association – Washington State chapter, GenPride is offering a free LGBTQIA+ affirming monthly support group for caregivers and folks living with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

This free online support group meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. This month the meeting will be on Tuesday September 20th.

To register or learn more, contact the facilitators:

Lionel Wang – 206.854.4776 |

Tiffany Suscheck – 614.719.9692 |


It’s the summer of 1984. In the U.K., Margaret Thatcher is in power and the National Union of Mineworkers is on strike, prompting a London-based group of gay and lesbian activists to raise money to support the strikers’ families. At first rebuffed by the union, the group decides to drive to a tiny mining village in Wales in order to make their cash donation in-person. 

Based on an extraordinary true story, PRIDE – the Movie is a funny & heartwarming kick-off to GenPride’s monthly Movie Club. Come join us for this free online screening, presented by Seattle’s Scarecrow Video, followed by a lively after-movie discussion. 

Friday, Sept 23 | 6:00 – 8:30 pm

PRIDE - the movie: Official Trailer

GenPride has wrapped up our summer Qigong series.

But fear not! We will be resuming our online Qigong classes in October, with instructor Kimberly Ivy, founder of Seattle’s Embrace the Moon Tai Chi and Qigong.

Stay tuned to this newsletter for all the details…coming soon!

GenPride Yoga Class

Yoga & Stretching

Experience with yoga or stretching is not required. This class is designed to be approachable by all populations, regardless of fitness level. Moves in class are broken down in a slow and manageable manner.

The intention of the class is to move a little and have a lot of fun – even if you don’t perform each move perfectly.

Mondays, 11 am – 12 pm

Wednesdays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Fridays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

GenPride Strength & Balance Class

Strength & Balance

Join us for this 40-minute movement-based class that integrates full-body strength, balance, and core-strengthening exercises.

Exercises will focus on strengthening the major muscle groups of the body in vertical and horizontal positions for strength and challenging our static and dynamic balance.

In this virtually taught class, we will use our own body weight using a chair for balance for support and a mat to aid various core strengthening exercises.

Tuesdays, 3:45 – 4:25 pm


Subscribe to the

Pride Place Newsletter

Did you know we have a separate newsletter for Pride Place information? Find updates on construction progress and news, as we share what’s going on with the building of Pride Place.


Stay up to date when new information is released by signing up for our Pride Place mailing list.


Services and Information


What you should know about Monkeypox

Seattle – King County Public Health posts the latest information here:

So far, most cases of monkeypox in King County have been reported among men who had close intimate contact with other men, sometimes with multiple partners.

But others can become infected, regardless of age, sexual orientation or gender identity. offers tips for safer sex in the time of monkeypox.

A limited supply of monkeypox vaccine is available locally, with more doses promised for later this Fall.

In King County, patients with flu-like or rash symptoms can be evaluated for free at the Public Health Sexual Health Clinic at Harborview, open M/W/TH/F, 7:30 am – 6:00 pm and Tuesday 9:30 am – 6:00 pm, (206) 744-3590.

Please stay informed through

GenPride Strength & Balance Class

This nationwide project was created to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the social, economic, and health inequities and resources of LGBTQ+ adults. Twelve randomly selected individuals, who complete the survey and a participation form, will be awarded a gift card for $150.

Are you a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, non-binary, or sexual or gender diverse adult age 49 to 57 (birth year 1965-1971) residing in the United States?

We need your help with a ground-breaking project, Wellness with Pride: COVID-19 and LGBTQ+ Communities. We are partnering with Generations Aging with Pride to assess the social, economic, and health inequities and resources of LGBTQ+ adults and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on these inequities.

Please visit here to complete a confidential and anonymous online questionnaire.

By completing a participation form, you are eligible for a raffle drawing awarding a $150.00 Gift Certificate to 12 randomly selected individuals. Please keep in mind your participation in the project is completely voluntary.

Individuals who participate in Wellness with Pride, and choose to also share their interest in being contacted for future research opportunities, and have a birthday that falls between the years 1965 – 1971 will be invited to participate as a member of a new group of the Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging, Sexuality/Gender (NHAS) Study. 

  • If you have any questions about the project, please contact us at

Help us learn more about our community

If you have not yet done so, please consider submitting your demographic information to GenPride. It’s completely optional and all information is used for city and county summary reporting metrics. Demographic information assists us in understanding the diversity of our clients and creating programming to better serve community members like you.

All GenPride Programming is free for the community, with support and funding from the City of Seattle

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