2023 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
2023 Enrollment Period Opens April 10
The application period for the 2023 Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program is slated to open on Monday, April 10.
In 2023, the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program will provide an e-Benefit card valued at $80 (one-time distribution) to be used for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets.
Eligibility: Many options for downloading the program flyer in English. Link: http://www.agingkingcounty.org/SFMNP. More language options — see below *
To apply, all of the following must be true:
– Age 60+ (or age 55+ if you are American Indian or Alaska Native) by June 30.
– Low income—no more than:
$2,248 monthly ($26,976 annual) income for one person
$3,040 monthly ($36,480 annual) income for two people
For larger households, add $792 for each additional person
-King County, Washington resident.
How to apply: The 2023 application period will open on Monday, April 10 – deadline is May 19. To apply, follow the link: http://www.agingkingcounty.org/SFMNP
Application forms (PDFs) are available in *: Amharic | Chinese-Simplified | Chinese-Traditional | Khmer | Korean | Laotian | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Tigrinya | Ukrainian | Vietnamese — 11 languages.
Printed applications must be completed and mailed to the address on the form, postmarked on or before May 19, 2023.
Need help?
Call Community Living Connections at (toll free) 1-844-348-5464
or visit communitylivingconnections.org