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  3. Seattle PrimeTimers
Contact Information
PO Box 75651, Seattle, Washington state 98175
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Seattle Prime Timers is a social and outreach organization for gay men over forty that supports other gay groups while fostering camaraderie between its members and the broader community.

Membership dues: $35.00 annually with hard copy monthly newsletters mailed to member's address. $25.00 annually with online-accessed newsletters.

Dues renew January of each year and are pro-rated on a quarterly basis for those joining during the year.

"Prime Timers' activities are as diverse as the membership. All events are member-generated and sponsored and are limited only to the imagination and support of the group."

Prime Timers Worldwide: FOR THE BEST TIMES OF YOUR LIFE Prime Timers are older gay or bisexual men (and younger men who admire mature men) who enrich their social lives, engage in diverse activities, and enjoy opportunities and friendships with other Prime Timers throughout the world. Our organization is emerging as a leading force in the gay and bisexual communities with over 75 chapters throughout North America and Australia.

  • Community and Social Activities
  • Companionship

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