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  3. Ingersoll Gender Center
Contact Information
517 E Pike St, Seattle, Washington state 98122
Phone: 206-849-7859
Location Information

The Ingersoll Gender Center is a trans-led organization providing a support group, resource and referral programs, healthcare access work, economic justice work, community financial assistance, and a training and technical assistance program.

The Ingersoll Gender Center is an organization of, by and for transgender and gender nonconforming people in the Puget Sound region. A weekly peer support group for transgender, gender nonconforming people and those that support them is available at Seattle Counseling Service. The Seattle Trans Economic Empowerment Project is offered for those having trouble finding employment. Additionally, a database of care providers that offer trans-affirming services is available for clients to search based on their location and their insurance.

  • Advocacy
  • Community and Social Activities
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • English
ADA (Disability Access Available): Yes
  • Binary Only ( Male / Female )
  • Street Parking
Intended Age Group: All Ages

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